Sunday, November 14, 2010

All The News That's Fit To.... ?

When I think I think of "Blogs" I think of the original term: "weblogs". Logs, as in a personal logging of one's own experience. Anymore, this has come to mean just short postings, often topical and with a sprinkling or slant of "comentary". And less and less "personal" in a bona fide experiential way, but more a contrived "style" of writing.

Just so, I found to be far more of a commercialized blog "venture" than anything else. And now, more so. The "editorial mission" is to position online as the website that devotes its "blogs" to linked "actions" only (automated petitions, email campaigns, etc.). But what with professionalized writers groomed for this purpose, it continues to lose "voice" as a real blog, in terms of being a venue of relevent, ongoing personal experience, in my opinion.

This is why those of us yet willing to do so must find ways to keep chronicling the realities. I see some of the more successful at garnering online and other attentions tending to "professionalize" their status in various ways, to their own personal benefit if not anyone else's (although some vehemently argue that it's ALL to do "other" good, really). I don't know, but think it merits some real examination.

Maybe it's time to get this blog going better, and with wider exposure, too?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Down Again, but Hopefully Not Out

Well, it finally happened -- my computer died. This one is a somewhat beatup MacBookPro I managed to acquire after my previous one was stolen inside my pack that was taken from me while sleeping on the street. And so the replacement has failed, leaving me both computerless and with valuable data and resources trapped in that digital void.

My good camera, a nice Panasonic Lumix, was also stolen recently. Must be the fifth or so digital camera I've lost during this saga. But, this time, I already had a backup on hand. And just last night acquired a battery charger for it, for $2.

MacBookPro's are relatively expensive computers. But that's what I have all the software for that I've relied upon, so it's my challenge (repeated now) to have to find a way to get yet another. Fortunately, I did do a backup of the hard-drive not too long ago. I could also probably remove the hard-drive from the dead laptop and find a way to extract what lesser amount of newer, unbackedup data that's on there.

It's already been a coupla' weeks now, mostly offline. I'm using a friend's laptop right now. And it changes the shape of my days/eves and time spent to not have the resource. It also seriously delays some important projects.

If you're reading this and have any way to help me in this venture, I'd sure appreciate it. You could send email and it will arrive at my phone. Thanks.